Visa Information for International Students
Short Term Study Visa is for applicants who want to study for less than 6 months. A Short Term Study Visa is not a part of the Home Office Point Based System (PBS).
- Short Term Study Visa does not have a level requirement – the course can be at any level.
- Students on Short Term Study Visa are nor restricted on where they can study
- Short Term Study Visa is free on arrival for non-visa nationals
- Short Term Study Visa lasts for maximum of 6 months.
- This type of visa cannot be extended in the UK and students have to return to their home country once they have completed their course.
If you are a visa national, you must apply for Short Term Study Visa in your home country. You will need to submit your visa application by completing an online application on the Home Office website. As a part of your application you must attend the BHC in the country of your application in person and have your biometric data (fingerprints) taken.
along with your application you will need to submit the following documents:
- a visa support letter from the college
- proof that you have enough money to pay for your course and to live in London
If you are a non – visa national, you do not need to apply for Short Term Study Visa before you come to the UK. You can get it free on arrival.
You can get a Short Term Study Visa on arrival only if you are a non – visa national.
You will need:
- to book a course before you come to the UK
- to have your Student Visa support letter to show at immigration when you arrive
- let the immigration officer know that you have booked a course and want to have a Short Term Study Visa
If you are a visa national, you must get your visa before you arrive in the UK.
The cost of Short Term Study Visa is £(visa fee) for visa nationals and non-visa nationals applying for a visa before they
arrive in the UK.
It is free for non-visa nationals applying for Short Term Study Visa on arrival.
Short Term Study Visa lasts for 6 months.
If you are applying for your Short Term Study Visa from overseas, a green color visa sticker will be endorsed in your passport. It will have the date your visa is valid from, and the date of expiry. It will include letters ‘Short Term Study Visa’ to show the type of your visa.
If you are getting your visa on arrival, you will not have a sticker in your passport. Instead, you will have your passport stamped in immigration, and officer will add letters ‘VST’ next to the stamp. (This is the difference between Short Term Study Visa and Visitor Visa).
Please check that the date of entry is clear on the entry stamp. If you cannot read it, ask the officer to stamp it again.
Short Term Study Visa does not give the right to work in the UK.
Student Information Process
- Application Form completion
- Initial Students Suitability Assessment
- Documents Verification
- Conditional letter issued
- Finance / Fee payment
- Registration completed / Sponsor Letter Issued
Concerned staff member will ensure following papers are produced with the application;
- Valid passport copy
- Valid Visa copy ( In case Of Local student)
- English language course certificate
- Relevant academic certificates
- Financial viability check
- The concerned staff member must check each and every document and match it with the original and should ensure that every copy provided matches with the original and must attest the document after ensuring as “Seen as Original”.
Compiling Students Record
- Student files creating procedure should be followed
- Store Photo copies into the folder
- Fill up the checklist
Signing Off
- Sign off the periodic check-up table to indicate that the procedure is complete.
- Applicant must fill in the application form completely and sign it before the college can start processing the case
- Concerned staff member must ensure that all the fields are filled in properly
- Concerned staff member must ensure that the student has signed the relevant sections of the Application form.
- In case the application is submitted online then all the fields must be properly filled in including the Overseas Contact address, email address and phone number.
- Concerned staff member will ensure that the minimum admission fee as per the policy of the college is received and a receipt is issued to the applicant
- Received cash is deposited into the bank or is given to the person responsible for the cash handling and records a confirmation on the cash register
- Remaining amount must filled into the fee instalment plan form and must be agreed to and signed by both the student and the concerned staff member.
Following steps must be taken for a comprehensive students’ induction on their first day at the college by the student affairs officer:
- Take initial information from the student about his UK residential address, own-contact no. contact no. of his close relative(s) or friend(s).
- Show student the college premises and make him aware of the fire/emergency exits, introduce him to in-charge of first aid and show him first aid box which is visibly displayed in the reception/administration room of the college.
- Show student the wash rooms, cafeteria, computer laboratory, library and the class rooms along with other relevant departments.
- Students should be given their time-tables and (if possible on the same day) a meeting should be arranged with the teacher(s) to explain the methods of learning and teaching in the college and the basic requirements of the respective courses the students are enrolled to.
- The student must also be told about how to proceed for his National Insurance Number, Bank Account and other things do to.
- A very impressive briefing must also be given to the students about how to become a responsible UK resident and what are their rights and duties as being international student in this country.
- Students must also be told by the administration about the traffic rules, train routes towards and from the college to different places especially student’s residence.
- Students must also be informed about the current policy of the college regarding the strict attendance regime
- Student must be provided with his course outline and the examination dates
- Student must also be given the national and college holiday plan
- Every student must be provided with the upcoming semester timetables
- A Hand book of student must be given to every student
- Induction letter must be given to the student for his signatures and stored in the student file.
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