PLAB 1 and 2
PLAB (Professional and linguistic ability test) is a requirement to fulfil the requirement GMC (general medical council UK for registration as a medical practitioner. There are two exams based on UK medica school syllabi. Foreign graduates in medicine need to pass the PLAB exam to the required standard before registration with GMC. There is also a requirement for English language competency via IELTS or OET. Both courses are offered by Step in education prior to preparation for PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 exams.
PLAB1 test preparation involved online support for young graduates in the topics or areas where they are lacking confidence. Practice tests are offered to evaluate the preparation for the exam. To well prepare for the test there are two routes. 1. Online You can register yourself for an online course that would provide you with lecture slides for popular topics with option to take a mock test and that will be marked to get you the assessment of your knowledge. A widely read in medicine must read the treatment regimens recommended by NICE recommendations (follow the links on this page)
2. Campus For Campus PLAB 1 you must have obtained competency in either IELTS or OET prior to starting the course. The course will run full time for three weeks or part time over three months three half days or evenings at our London Campus.
PLAB 2 Exam preparation will also run for 3 weeks full time to cover all the stages of exams guided by practicing clinicians full time or two days half days a week for 3 months approximately. PLAB 2 is only offered at the campus at present.
PLAB 1 topics:
1. Anatomy
2. Biochemistry (and Metabolic Medicine)
3. Cardiology
4. Contraception
5. Dermatology
6. Endocrinology
7. Epidimiology
8. Ethics
9. ENT
12.Health administration
15.Infectious diseases (Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology, Parasitic diiseases)
18.Nephrology (Urology)
Foreign medical graduates who have completed their degree and have worked for one year in clinical settings.
Subscription for online access to questions banks and notes or videos.
Fee Structure £ Fees
1 Month Subscription: £ 99 – (non-refundable)
3 Months Subscription: £ 299
6 Months Subscription: £ 500.
Campus based fee Three weeks full time course or 3 moths part time course will cover all the fields mentioned in course details and on top of that access to mock exams designed to test your knowledge before embarking on to the real test.
Full time PLAB1 £1500.00
Part time PLAB 1 £1500.00